In 1989 Jean-Claude Beauvilliers decided to create his own limited company to produce natural raw materials.

This company enabled him to develop his own crops. He put together a catalogue of pure natural molecules from his own production and other productions. These molecules are used in the aromatic fields of fragrance makers and elicitors.

Beauvilliers’s expertise in natural molecules and their active principles will make him a choice interlocutor for manufacturers developping products for integrated agriculture.

He created a department for the rectification of star anise essential oil. Thanks to his great experience, he is a specialist of raw materials, especially in the field of aniseed drinks.

In 2006, Jean-Beauvilliers and Jean-Marc Rattet decided to create Beauvilliers Flavors, a simplified limited company (“SAS” in France). Beauvilliers Aromatique SARL became Beauvilliers Flavors SAS. The associates invested in industrial equipment more adapted to the development of the company’s activities.

The company concentrated on its original core activity and chose to specialize in the production of pure anethole obtained from star anise imported from China.

His competence attracted a considerable market share in this field and also allowed to tap into various new markets , particularly by-products in rectification.

Beauvilliers Flavors launched the production of hydroaloholic liquorice infusions.